Source code for

Tafra: a minimalist dataframe

Copyright (c) 2020 Derrick W. Turk and David S. Fulford

Derrick W. Turk
David S. Fulford

Created on April 25, 2020
__all__ = ['GroupBy', 'Transform', 'IterateBy', 'InnerJoin', 'LeftJoin']

import operator
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import chain
import dataclasses as dc

import numpy as np

from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, Mapping, List, Tuple, Optional, Union as _Union, Sequence,
                    Iterable, Iterator)
from typing import cast

JOIN_OPS: Dict[str, Callable[[Any, Any], Any]] = {
    '==': operator.eq,
    '<=': operator.le,

# for the passed argument to an aggregation
InitAggregation = Mapping[
        Callable[[np.ndarray], Any],
        Tuple[Callable[[np.ndarray], Any], str]

# for the result type of IterateBy
GroupDescription = Tuple[
    Tuple[Any, ...],  # tuple of unique values from group-by columns
    np.ndarray,  # int array of row indices into original tafra for this group
    'Tafra'  # sub-tafra for the group

[docs]class Union: """ Union two :class:`Tafra` together. Analogy to SQL UNION or `pandas.append`. All column names and dtypes must match. """ @staticmethod def _validate(left: 'Tafra', right: 'Tafra') -> None: """ Validate the :class:`Tafra` before applying. """ # These should be unreachable unless attributes were directly modified if len(left._data) != len(left._dtypes): assert 0, 'This `Tafra` length of data and dtypes do not match' if len(right._data) != len(right._dtypes): assert 0, 'right `Tafra` length of data and dtypes do not match' # ensure same number of columns if len(left._data) != len(right._data) or len(left._dtypes) != len(right._dtypes): raise ValueError( 'This `Tafra` column count does not match right `Tafra` column count.') # ensure all columns in this `Tafra` exist in right `Tafra` # if len() is same AND all columns in this exist in right, # do not need to check right `Tafra` columns in this `Tafra`. for (data_column, value), (dtype_column, dtype) \ in zip(left._data.items(), left._dtypes.items()): if data_column not in right._data or dtype_column not in right._dtypes: raise TypeError( f'This `Tafra` column `{data_column}` does not exist in right `Tafra`.') elif value.dtype != right._data[data_column].dtype: raise TypeError( f'This `Tafra` column `{data_column}` dtype `{value.dtype}` ' f'does not match right `Tafra` dtype `{right._data[data_column].dtype}`.') # should not happen unless dtypes manually changed, but let's check it elif dtype != right._dtypes[dtype_column]: raise TypeError( f'This `Tafra` column `{data_column}` dtype `{dtype}` ' f'does not match right `Tafra` dtype `{right._dtypes[dtype_column]}`.')
[docs] def apply(self, left: 'Tafra', right: 'Tafra') -> 'Tafra': """ Apply the :class:`Union_` to the :class:`Tafra`. Parameters ---------- left: Tafra The left :class:`Tafra` to union. right: Tafra The right :class:`Tafra` to union. Returns ------- tafra: Tafra The unioned :class`Tafra`. """ self._validate(left, right) return Tafra( {column: np.append(value, right._data[column]) for column, value in left._data.items()}, left._dtypes.copy() )
[docs] def apply_inplace(self, left: 'Tafra', right: 'Tafra') -> None: """ In-place version. Apply the :class:`Union_` to the :class:`Tafra`. Parameters ---------- left: Tafra The left :class:`Tafra` to union. right: Tafra The right :class:`Tafra` to union. Returns ------- tafra: Tafra The unioned :class`Tafra`. """ self._validate(left, right) for column, value in left._data.items(): left._data[column] = np.append(value, right._data[column]) left._update_rows()
@dc.dataclass class GroupSet: """ A `GroupSet` is the set of columns by which we construct our groups. """ @staticmethod def _unique_groups(tafra: 'Tafra', columns: Iterable[str]) -> List[Any]: """ Construct a unique set of grouped values. Uses :class:``OrderedDict`` rather than :class:``set`` to maintain order. """ return list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(zip(*(tafra._data[col] for col in columns)))) @staticmethod def _validate(tafra: 'Tafra', columns: Iterable[str]) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ Validate the :class:`Tafra` before applying. """ assert tafra._rows >= 1, 'No rows exist in `tafra`.' tafra._validate_columns(columns) @dc.dataclass class AggMethod(GroupSet): """ Basic methods for aggregations over a data table. """ group_by_cols: Iterable[str] aggregation: dc.InitVar[InitAggregation] _aggregation: Mapping[str, Tuple[Callable[[np.ndarray], Any], str]] = dc.field(init=False) iter_fn: Mapping[str, Callable[[np.ndarray], Any]] def __post_init__(self, aggregation: InitAggregation) -> None: self._aggregation = dict() for rename, agg in aggregation.items(): if callable(agg): self._aggregation[rename] = (agg, rename) elif (isinstance(agg, Sequence) and len(agg) == 2 and callable(cast(Tuple[Callable[[np.ndarray], Any], str], agg)[0])): self._aggregation[rename] = agg else: raise ValueError(f'{rename}: {agg} is not a valid aggregation argument') for rename, agg in self.iter_fn.items(): if not callable(agg): raise ValueError(f'{rename}: {agg} is not a valid aggregation argument') def result_factory(self, fn: Callable[[str, str], np.ndarray]) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """ Factory function to generate the dict for the results set. A function to take the new column name and source column name and return an empty `np.ndarray` should be given. """ return { rename: fn(rename, col) for rename, col in ( *((col, col) for col in self.group_by_cols), *((rename, agg[1]) for rename, agg in self._aggregation.items()) ) } def iter_fn_factory(self, fn: Callable[[], np.ndarray]) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: return {rename: fn() for rename in self.iter_fn.keys()} def apply(self, tafra: 'Tafra') -> 'Tafra': raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class GroupBy(AggMethod): """ Aggregation by a set of unique values. Analogy to SQL ``GROUP BY``, not :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.groupby()`. Parameters ---------- columns: Iterable[str] The column names to group by. aggregation: Mapping[str, Union[Callable[[np.ndarray], Any], \ Optional. Tuple[Callable[[np.ndarray], Any], str]]] A mapping for columns and aggregation functions. Should be given as {'column': fn} or {'new_column': (fn, 'column')}. iter_fn: Mapping[str, Callable[[np.ndarray], Any]] Optional. A mapping for new columns names to the function to apply to the enumeration. Should be given as {'new_column': fn}. """
[docs] def apply(self, tafra: 'Tafra') -> 'Tafra': """ Apply the :class:`GroupBy` to the :class:`Tafra`. Parameters ---------- tafra: Tafra The tafra to apply the operation to. Returns ------- tafra: Tafra The aggregated :class:`Tafra`. """ self._validate(tafra, ( *self.group_by_cols, *(col for (_, col) in self._aggregation.values()) )) unique = self._unique_groups(tafra, self.group_by_cols) result = self.result_factory( lambda rename, col: np.empty(len(unique), dtype=tafra._data[col].dtype)) iter_fn = self.iter_fn_factory(lambda: np.ones(len(unique), dtype=int)) ones = np.ones(tafra._rows, dtype=int) for i, u in enumerate(unique): which_rows = np.full(tafra._rows, True) for val, col in zip(u, self.group_by_cols): which_rows &= tafra._data[col] == val result[col][i] = val for rename, (fn, col) in self._aggregation.items(): result[rename][i] = fn(tafra._data[col][which_rows]) for rename, fn in self.iter_fn.items(): iter_fn[rename][i] = fn(i * ones[which_rows]) result.update(iter_fn) return Tafra(result)
[docs]class Transform(AggMethod): """ Apply a function to each unique set of values and join to the original table. Analogy to :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.groupby().transform()`, i.e. a SQL ``GROUP BY`` and ``LEFT JOIN`` back to the original table. Parameters ---------- group_by: Iterable[str] The column names to group by. aggregation: Mapping[str, Union[Callable[[np.ndarray], Any], \ Tuple[Callable[[np.ndarray], Any], str]]] Optional. A mapping for columns and aggregation functions. Should be given as {'column': fn} or {'new_column': (fn, 'column')}. iter_fn: Mapping[str, Callable[[np.ndarray], Any]] Optional. A mapping for new columns names to the function to apply to the enumeration. Should be given as {'new_column': fn}. """
[docs] def apply(self, tafra: 'Tafra') -> 'Tafra': """ Apply the :class:`Transform` to the :class:`Tafra`. Parameters ---------- tafra: Tafra The tafra to apply the operation to. Returns ------- tafra: Tafra The transformed :class:`Tafra`. """ self._validate(tafra, ( *self.group_by_cols, *(col for (_, col) in self._aggregation.values()) )) unique = self._unique_groups(tafra, self.group_by_cols) result = self.result_factory( lambda rename, col: np.empty_like(tafra._data[col])) iter_fn = self.iter_fn_factory(lambda: np.ones(tafra._rows, dtype=int)) ones = np.ones(tafra._rows, dtype=int) for i, u in enumerate(unique): which_rows = np.full(tafra._rows, True) for val, col in zip(u, self.group_by_cols): which_rows &= tafra._data[col] == val result[col][which_rows] = tafra._data[col][which_rows] for rename, agg in self._aggregation.items(): fn, col = agg result[rename][which_rows] = fn(tafra._data[col][which_rows]) for rename, fn in self.iter_fn.items(): iter_fn[rename][which_rows] = fn(i * ones[which_rows]) result.update(iter_fn) return Tafra(result)
[docs]@dc.dataclass class IterateBy(GroupSet): """ A generator that yields a :class:`Tafra` for each set of unique values. Analogy to `pandas.DataFrame.groupby()`, i.e. an Sequence of `Tafra` objects. Yields tuples of ((unique grouping values, ...), row indices array, subset tafra) Parameters ---------- group_by: Iterable[str] The column names to group by. """ group_by_cols: Iterable[str]
[docs] def apply(self, tafra: 'Tafra') -> Iterator[GroupDescription]: """ Apply the :class:`IterateBy` to the :class:`Tafra`. Parameters ---------- tafra: Tafra The tafra to apply the operation to. Returns ------- tafras: Iterator[GroupDescription] An iterator over the grouped :class:`Tafra`. """ self._validate(tafra, self.group_by_cols) unique = self._unique_groups(tafra, self.group_by_cols) for u in unique: which_rows = np.full(tafra._rows, True) for val, col in zip(u, self.group_by_cols): which_rows &= tafra._data[col] == val if len(u) == 1: u = u[0] yield (u, which_rows, tafra._ndindex(which_rows))
@dc.dataclass class Join(GroupSet): """ Base class for SQL-like JOINs. """ on: Iterable[Tuple[str, str, str]] select: Iterable[str] def _validate_dtypes(self, l_table: 'Tafra', r_table: 'Tafra') -> None: for l_column, r_column, _ in self.on: l_value = l_table._data[l_column] r_value = r_table._data[r_column] l_dtype = l_table._dtypes[l_column] r_dtype = r_table._dtypes[r_column] if l_value.dtype != r_value.dtype: raise TypeError( f'This `Tafra` column `{l_column}` dtype `{l_value.dtype}` ' f'does not match other `Tafra` dtype `{r_value.dtype}`.') # should not happen unless dtypes manually changed, but let's check it elif l_dtype != r_dtype: raise TypeError( f'This `Tafra` column `{l_column}` dtype `{l_dtype}` ' f'does not match other `Tafra` dtype `{r_dtype}`.') @staticmethod def _validate_ops(ops: Iterable[str]) -> None: for op in ops: _op = JOIN_OPS.get(op, None) if _op is None: raise TypeError(f'The operator {op} is not valid.') def apply(self, left_t: 'Tafra', right_t: 'Tafra') -> 'Tafra': raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class InnerJoin(Join): """ An inner join. Analogy to SQL INNER JOIN, or `pandas.merge(..., how='inner')`, Parameters ---------- right: Tafra The right-side :class:`Tafra` to join. on: Iterable[Tuple[str, str, str]] The columns and operator to join on. Should be given as ('left column', 'right column', 'op') Valid ops are: '==' : equal to '!=' : not equal to '<' : less than '<=' : less than or equal to '>' : greater than '>=' : greater than or equal to select: Iterable[str] = [] The columns to return. If not given, all unique columns names are returned. If the column exists in both :class`Tafra`, prefers the left over the right. """
[docs] def apply(self, left_t: 'Tafra', right_t: 'Tafra') -> 'Tafra': """ Apply the :class:`InnerJoin` to the :class:`Tafra`. Parameters ---------- left_t: Tafra The left tafra to join. right_t: Tafra The right tafra to join. Returns ------- tafra: Tafra The joined :class:`Tafra`. """ left_cols, right_cols, ops = list(zip(*self.on)) self._validate(left_t, left_cols) self._validate(right_t, right_cols) self._validate_dtypes(left_t, right_t) self._validate_ops(ops) _on = tuple((left_col, right_col, JOIN_OPS[op]) for left_col, right_col, op in self.on) join: Dict[str, List[Any]] = {column: list() for column in chain( left_t._data.keys(), right_t._data.keys() ) if not or ( and column in} # right-to-left so left dtypes overwrite dtypes: Dict[str, str] = {column: dtype for column, dtype in chain( right_t._dtypes.items(), left_t._dtypes.items() ) if column in join.keys()} for i in range(left_t._rows): right_rows = np.full(right_t._rows, True) for left_col, right_col, op in _on: right_rows &= op(left_t[left_col][i], right_t[right_col]) right_count = np.sum(right_rows) # this is the only difference from the LeftJoin if right_count <= 0: continue for column in join.keys(): if column in left_t._data: join[column].extend(max(1, right_count) * [left_t[column][i]]) elif column in right_t._data: join[column].extend(right_t[column][right_rows]) return Tafra( {column: np.array(value) for column, value in join.items()}, dtypes )
[docs]class LeftJoin(Join): """ A left join. Analogy to SQL LEFT JOIN, or `pandas.merge(..., how='left')`, Parameters ---------- right: Tafra The right-side :class:`Tafra` to join. on: Iterable[Tuple[str, str, str]] The columns and operator to join on. Should be given as ('left column', 'right column', 'op') Valid ops are: '==' : equal to '!=' : not equal to '<' : less than '<=' : less than or equal to '>' : greater than '>=' : greater than or equal to select: Iterable[str] = [] The columns to return. If not given, all unique columns names are returned. If the column exists in both :class`Tafra`, prefers the left over the right. """
[docs] def apply(self, left_t: 'Tafra', right_t: 'Tafra') -> 'Tafra': """ Apply the :class:`LeftJoin` to the :class:`Tafra`. Parameters ---------- left_t: Tafra The left tafra to join. right_t: Tafra The right tafra to join. Returns ------- tafra: Tafra The joined :class:`Tafra`. """ left_cols, right_cols, ops = list(zip(*self.on)) self._validate(left_t, left_cols) self._validate(right_t, right_cols) self._validate_dtypes(left_t, right_t) self._validate_ops(ops) _on = tuple((left_col, right_col, JOIN_OPS[op]) for left_col, right_col, op in self.on) join: Dict[str, List[Any]] = {column: list() for column in chain( left_t._data.keys(), right_t._data.keys() ) if not or ( and column in} dtypes: Dict[str, str] = {column: dtype for column, dtype in chain( left_t._dtypes.items(), right_t._dtypes.items() ) if column in join.keys()} for i in range(left_t._rows): right_rows = np.full(right_t._rows, True) for left_col, right_col, op in _on: right_rows &= op(left_t[left_col][i], right_t[right_col]) right_count = np.sum(right_rows) for column in join.keys(): if column in left_t._data: join[column].extend(max(1, right_count) * [left_t[column][i]]) elif column in right_t._data: if right_count <= 0: join[column].append(None) if dtypes[column] != 'object': dtypes[column] = 'object' else: join[column].extend(right_t[column][right_rows]) return Tafra( {column: np.array(value) for column, value in join.items()}, dtypes )
[docs]@dc.dataclass class CrossJoin(Join): """ A cross join. Analogy to SQL CROSS JOIN, or `pandas.merge(..., how='outer') using temporary columns of static value to intersect all rows`. Parameters ---------- right: Tafra The right-side :class:`Tafra` to join. select: Iterable[str] = [] The columns to return. If not given, all unique columns names are returned. If the column exists in both :class`Tafra`, prefers the left over the right. """
[docs] def apply(self, left_t: 'Tafra', right_t: 'Tafra') -> 'Tafra': """ Apply the :class:`CrossJoin` to the :class:`Tafra`. Parameters ---------- left_t: Tafra The left tafra to join. right_t: Tafra The right tafra to join. Returns ------- tafra: Tafra The joined :class:`Tafra`. """ self._validate_dtypes(left_t, right_t) left_rows = left_t._rows right_rows = right_t._rows select = set( if len(select) > 0: left_cols = list(select.intersection(list(left_t._data.keys()))) right_cols = list(select.intersection(list(right_t._data.keys()))) if len(left_cols) == 0: raise IndexError('No columns given to select from left `Tafra`.') if len(right_cols) == 0: raise IndexError('No columns given to select from right `Tafra`.') else: left_cols = list(left_t._data.keys()) right_cols = list(right_t._data.keys()) left_new = Tafra(left_t[left_cols].key_map(np.tile, reps=right_rows)) right_new = Tafra(right_t[right_cols].key_map(np.tile, reps=left_rows)) left_new.update_inplace(right_new) return left_new
# Import here to resolve circular dependency from .base import Tafra